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Consent Mode Guide

Are you willing to add the Triptease script all the time, prior to displaying the cookie banner, and regardless of consent chosen on the cookie banner, as long as we adjust our functionality according to the user’s consent?

If you’ve answered no because you believe it would violate GDPR compliance, please review the rationale for why it is GDPR-compliant.

If you’ve answered yes, consent mode offers a solution to balance your compliance obligations with maximising the value from the products you have invested in.

If your website displays a cookie/storage banner for GDPR compliance, you can communicate the user’s consent preferences to the Triptease script. Consent Mode serves as the mechanism for this communication.

It controls the usage of first and third party storage mechanisms of the browser, and which Triptease products run.

When the user chooses to “Deny” cookies or only accept “Essential” cookies, Consent Mode ensures cookieless tracking.

The diagram below shows how Triptease functionality scales based on user consent.


With automatic consent mode, we can detect the consent chosen on the cookie banner without requiring you to provide it to us. This is available for supported CMPs.

Currently, the following CMPs are supported:

Please reach out to us if your CMP is not on this list and does not support Google Consent Mode V2. We can add support for your CMP.

It is as simple as setting the data-storage-consent attribute to auto on the Triptease script tag.

Your script tag:

<script defer async crossorigin="anonymous" type="text/javascript"

Use the following format with Google Tag Manager (as it removes data attributes):


If we cannot support automatic consent mode, you still have the option of providing the user consent to us. This will require development work on your end.

Providing user consent is as simple as setting the data-storage-consent attribute on the Triptease script tag. Note that the value should not be hardcoded in your HTML (or Tag Manager etc.) but should be based on the user’s choices on the cookie banner.


<script defer async crossorigin="anonymous" type="text/javascript"

The attribute can be set or updated. Triptease script will automatically detect a change in the attribute and ensure that the storage mechanisms used and products loaded are as per the updated value.

This attribute can have any of the following values: none, essential, functionality, performance, marketing, all

Multiple values can also be provided. e.g. essential, functionality, performance which would combine the applications allowed.


<script defer async crossorigin="anonymous" type="text/javascript"
        data-storage-consent="functionality, performance">

We have listed the terms typically used in cookie banners, grouping the common aliases together, in the table below. Please use this as a guide.

Chosen on Cookie Banner Consent Mode to Use
Deny none
Essential / Necessary essential
Functionality / Personalisation / Preferences functionality
Performance / Statistics / Analytics performance
Marketing / Advertising marketing
Allow All all

Here is a typical example of a cookie banner where the user has selected Necessary, Preferences and Statistics. You would provide data-storage-consent="essential, functionality, performance" in this scenario.

cookie banner example

What is the default behaviour?

If data-storage-consent attribute is absent, we assume the consent mode is all. We consider the addition of our script to be implicit consent in this case.

If data-storage-consent attribute is set to auto but we are unable to find the consent through the CMPs known to us, we assume the consent mode is none.


Storage consent none can be used before the user has given any explicit consent. No Triptease products will be run and no persistent browser storage or cookies will be used. If the user closes the browser and then reopens it, Triptease will treat it as two completely different users. In effect the browser is automatically forgetting any user when closed.

If the user then gives consent, the data-storage-consent attribute should be updated so that the Triptease script can then load the correct applications and allow storage access.

First Party Storage Third Party Storage Applications
Denied Denied None


<script ...

Essential (strictly necessary)

If the user only gives essential or strictly necessary storage consent, then Triptease will actually treat this in exactly the same way as none. So no storage or applications will be allowed.

We have taken this strict view to align with the GDPR recommendation because the litmus test is “Can a user complete a booking journey without Triptease products?”.

First Party Storage Third Party Storage Applications
Denied Denied None


<script ...

Functionality (personalisation/preferences)

When functionality storage consent is present it will enable all onsite products such as Messages, Price Check and Chat.

NB: Offsite products will not be enabled as they do not provide any additional functionality from the user’s perspective.

First Party Storage Third Party Storage Allowed Applications
Granted Granted Messages (including Price Check), Parity and Chat


<script ...

Performance (statistics/analytics)

When performance storage consent is present it will enable products that are used to measure the performance of your website and booking funnel.

NB: User facing onsite products will not be enabled

First Party Storage Third Party Storage Allowed Applications
Granted Granted Parity, Meta and Paid Search


<script ...

Marketing (advertising) or All

When marketing or all storage consent is present it will enable all Triptease products.

First Party Storage Third Party Storage Allowed Applications
Granted Granted All


<script ...

In this document storage refers to cookies and any other web browser technology like localStorage or sessionStorage. Triptease does not use browser fingerprinting or any other means that cannot be controlled by the end user.